It seems that genetics are more all encompassing than I knew.
The conversation, just prior to Tobys birthday...
"Toby, what do you want for your birthday?"
"What kind of cake? (I was thinking...chocolate? vanilla?)"
"Ok, what kind of blue cake?"
Without any hesitation "Alligator"
What!? He had absolutely no previous interest in alligators. And I had very little previous interest in making cakes. But, he was my baby, I had to give him an alligator"

This is little baby Toby the morning of his birthday when he came down and spotted the immediately recognizable blue alligator cake (that mommy had been up all night working on). He was happy.
And now, 2 1/2 years later, it seems that my children are genetically predisposed to have that exact same birthday conversation, with slight variance, most likely due to gender.
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