Queen Squishy is two!
Here is how the original birthday conversation went, a month ago...
"Aimee, what do you want for your birthday?"
"What kind of cake?"
"ummm Blue!"
"Ok, what do you want on your blue cake?"
much laughter...
Because I am a wimp, and felt a little uncertain about the concept, and my ability to put Toby on a cake, I let it drop, and tried again a few weeks later....
"Aimee, what do you want for your birthday?"
"What kind of cake?"
"ummm Blue!"
"Ok, what do you want on your blue cake?"
"ummmmm....(mommy praying she doesn't say Toby, thus necessitating that I make it happen)...ducks."
Ducks it is!

Toby and I worked together on our gumpaste ducks. Both of us found our first attempts to be sub par. So we tried again, and we were pretty happy with our duckies.
Toby and I worked together on our gumpaste ducks. Both of us found our first attempts to be sub par. So we tried again, and we were pretty happy with our duckies.
Toby made his duck all by himself, all I did was give him the right amounts of gumpaste, and help him prop up his beak while it dried!
Little did we know that fights would break out at the party over who got to eat the ducks. Note to self, next time make more ducks.
10" chocolate cake with pudding filling
10" chocolate cake with pudding filling
Your kids and their blue 2-year-old birthday cakes! Love the ducks (and love revisiting the blue alligator in the other post!).
ReplyDeleteSo cute!