Sunday, November 14, 2010

Girls Golf Team

My dad is the coach of the "Lady Knights" girls golf team at Northwest High School. (He has lived through three high school daughters, hasn't he learned his lesson by now!?) I am not sure there is a sport that the man hasn't coached.

Apparently he was given this thing....or something like it....

It plays "I'm alright, nobody worry 'bout me"....and apparently it was passed around the team as some sort of golf team consolation prize...

I don't play golf....and I have never seen Caddyshack. But I have google, and I know how to make a cake.

This was for the awards night.

I heard that the girls divided up the fondant gopher with the cake. I am glad it amused them. And mom got the extra cake. Everyone wins.


  1. Robyn, Your cakes are adorable and beautiful. My girls loved the duck one..I may need to goggle how to do the fondant. Is it hard? You make it look easy, but I have a feeling that it isn't so! :)

  2. Thank you. It's really not that difficult. It's like playing with firmer, more tempermental and time sensitive playdough. And my 4 year old son made one of the ducks, so I am sure your girls would do a great job, and be so proud of themselves.
